Video Gallery

Gender Equity and Reconciliation InternationalTransforming gender injustice & establishing beloved community.
MeToo to WeTogether — Reconciling Relations Between Women and Men

Rev. Laurie Gaum: This video is an interview with Rev. Laurie Gaum, the sole gay minister in the conservative Dutch Reform Church in South Africa. His father is a minister in the same Church, and the two of them struggled and eventually reconciled and co-authored a book published in 2010 about their remarkable process of healing and transformation.

Hearts Opening: This video presents a lively conversation of five young adults (from mid 20s to early 30s) following their experience of a three-day Gender Reconciliation workshop.

Forgiveness in Kenya: This short video recounts a powerful experience of healing and the grace of forgiveness that transpired in a Gender Reconciliation workshop in Nairobi, Kenya in 2010.

Testimony in Parliament: This video shows testimony presented to a group of leaders in the Parliament of South Africa on the impacts of Gender Reconciliation programs in South Africa. Testimony was presented by leaders from Gender Reconciliation International and their strategic partners in November, 2011.

Creating Right Relations: Join us and learn more about the work of Gender Reconciliation International through our introductory video.

Part 1: Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin, authors and practitioners of interfaith spirituality lead a discussion on gender issues and gender injustice in society. They talk about their separate journeys that lead them to their present work with and creation of Gender Reconciliation International.

Part 2: Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin, authors and practitioners of interfaith spirituality lead a discussion on gender issues and gender injustice in society. The panel answers questions from the audience sharing ideas and insights about gender issues and gender injustice they have encountered in their practice and work with Gender Reconciliation International.

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