
Therapists and Psychologists

“[The] profound crisis in relations between men and women is… arguably one of the most important problems humanity has been facing… This extraordinary and groundbreaking [work] holds great promise as a way to its alleviation.”

~ Stanislav Grof, M.D., author of Psychology of the Future, The Ultimate Journey, and The Holotropic Mind.

“I was deeply moved and changed, and am profoundly grateful for the experience. So many clients in my psychiatric practice are depressed and traumatized by gender violence, as is our entire culture. The GERI vision is unique, and uniquely valuable to the world.”

~Peter Rutter, MD, Jungian psychiatrist, author of Sex in the Forbidden Zone and Understanding Sexual Harassment

“I am a therapist, but Gender Equity and Reconciliation is not a therapy – it has been the most sacred experience for me. I have never, even as a therapist, thought that it is possible for people to find healing, where gender issues have gone wrong.”

~ Dorothea Hendricks, psychologist, Univ. of Western Cape, South Africa, excerpt from Testimony presented to Parliament of South Africa, House of Traditional Leaders, Nov. 21, 2011

Consultants and Development Professionals

“An extraordinary contribution to fostering gender reconciliation. . . . Practical and empowering [and] delivers people out of their polarization and into their character and humanity. … I am sure it will make not only a great contribution to the field of gender issues, but even more importantly, the universal practices of reconciliation and collective healing found within all cultures.”

~ Angeles Arrien, Ph.D., cultural anthropologist, shaman, and author of The Four Fold Way and The Second Half of Life

“We laughed, we cried, and we bonded around our individual experiences of deep wounding and personal shame — sharing the beginnings of our journey towards reconciliation between our genders. My heart is still resonating with joy and a growing sense of hope that gender equity might actually become a reality during our daughters’ lives.”

~ Michele Breene, facilitator, Development Associates International, and Tim Breene, CEO, World Relief

“This experience rises far above trainings because it embodies the very qualities our world needs most: empathetic listening, witnessing and honoring of people’s experiences; and doesn’t seek to talk at or to fix anyone.”

~ Ariana Blossom, Consultant and Leadership Coach

Foundation and NGO Leaders

“I believe this is one of the truly game-changing breakthroughs afoot today.”

~ Kenny Ausubel, Co-Founder and CEO of Bioneers

“My experience of the GERI workshop brought to light how central the role of unity is in advancing the work of gender equality. At the international level, there is an attitude of “fighting” for women’s rights, which is important and I am grateful for the gains won by those who have gone before us. Yet, to push us to the next stage of development, our ends must be coherent with our means. Women and men must come together to design a new structure, to create a new culture in which all can flourish, and the foundation of this process must be trust and understanding.

The GERI workshop created the safe space to hear one another, to strive for insights and compassion, to work on our individual transformation and to commit to building a new gender equal civilization together, in unity. GERI is a unique space, unlike any other I have participated in. A must for anyone committed to the work of gender equality.”

~ Saphira Rameshfar, Executive Committee of the U.N. NGO Committee on the Status of
Women, and co-chair of their Youth Leaders and Young Professionals program

“I was renewed, shaped, challenged, connected, healed and inspired… The sharing from women to men touched my heart deeply… I made my decision not to keep quiet anymore and will always advocate for women created in the image of God as our mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and nieces.”

~ Rev. Philbert Kalisa, Founder and CEO of REACH in Rwanda

“It felt like my own heart opened as I watched other hearts opening, forming a collective heart… Over the course of those three days, it felt like something very sacred happened. In many settings where gender issues come up, conversation quickly turns to debate, but there was not one debate or argument in these circles – only listening to understand one another’s stories… As I reflect back on [The Gender Equity and Reconciliation workshop], I still carry an embodied feeling of the heart of empathy that emerged like a beautiful weave, story by story, as we sat in sacred circles together.”

~ Emily Nielsen Jones, Founding Partner, Imago Dei Fund

“The Gender Equity and Reconciliation International training has been AMAZING and the transformations REAL.”

~ Dr. Karambu Ringera, Founder of International Peace Initiatives, Meru, Kenya

“Rarely have I experienced such vulnerability, rawness, empathy and grace. I will treasure the stories I heard. I especially appreciated the honoring and blessing ceremonies we created for each other. I was surprised at how much they moved me to tears.”

~ Craig Parker, Boston City Leader, The Navigators

Men’s Work Leaders

“A transformative, life-altering experience. No kidding! It will literally shift the course of your life for the better. It has shifted mine.”

~ Mark Greene, author of The Little #MeToo Book for Men and Executive Editor of The Good Men Project

“I left the retreat with commitments to explore ways we can collaborate in helping men become better men, and to deconstruct the patriarchal system that wounds so many men in their experience with other men, and wounds so many of our wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends.”

~ Terry Symens-Bucher, former President, Illuman (men’s rights of passage organization founded by Fr. Richard Rohr)

“I went to the GERI event not knowing exactly what I was getting into. I can wholeheartedly say that as men we need to do this work. It is so powerful to do work that is similar to what we do in our Illuman chapters, but in the company of women. It is like men’s work on steroids. GERI has designed a gentle and experiential program with lots of opportunity to share, hardly any lecture. I learned how close to the surface and how pervasive our wounds are as women and men. I would gladly do this again.”

~ Seth Burgess, Illuman

“I found the GERI experience a deeply healing event. I saw the power of story and deep listening transform the understanding of what it means to be male and female. The opportunity to sit in mixed gender circles and be vulnerable was very informative to my soul. The ceremony and group activities touched my heart and gave me hope. I would highly recommend the experience for any human being interested in being fully connected with the divine duality of our Creator.”

~ Charles Myking, Illuman

“For me, the GERI gender-equity training was eye-opening as well as heart-opening. The well-presented exercises took us deep into both male and female histories in a way that was challenging and expansive. I learned and felt a great deal about others’ experiences and opened into and felt my own experiences in a profound way as well. The result for me was connection and healing, both internally and externally.”

~ Phil Rogacki, Illuman

“The GERI experience was profound! Gender equality is not just about equal opportunity, although that’s very important; it’s about healing the wounds inflicted as a result of gender injustice that is prevalent in our culture. It can’t be done by women doing their work and men doing theirs. This wounding requires men and women to come together, to speak their truth, to listen, to open their hearts, to transform.”

~ Tim Callan, Illuman

“Gender Equity and Reconciliation is absolute must for anyone who wishes to live to their fullest. It is an incredible experience for men and women to own the stereotypes and dispel the myths of what it’s like to be a man and woman, most importantly human. I witnessed and shared while others witnessed in ways that I have never imagined. Blessing, loving, honoring, healing, this training is the whole package…and the beginning of life like you’ve never lived life before.”

~ Dennis Sturtz, ManKind Project USA

Spiritual and Religious Leaders

“This is the first time I have experienced a workshop that truly integrates both teaching and spiritual components.”

~ Ela Gandhi, Granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi

Our interfaith community has experienced the programs of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI). I was deeply touched by their exquisite sensitivity, awesome skills and remarkable creativity. The work of GERI is essential and critical if we truly yearn for global healing and transformation.

~ Imam Jamal Rahman, co-Founder Interfaith Community Sanctuary, Seattle, WA Member of Interfaith Amigos

“I have attended Gender Reconciliation twice, and I’m looking forward to more because each time I attend, my eyes are opened more and more. The work of Gender Equity and Reconciliation is very much needed in India; I wish this work could be translated into our local language, and done all over India. It is very powerful to make people aware of what’s going on, especially the women who suffer unnecessarily around gender issues.

This work is an eye opener for men to learn what women go through. I work mostly with women and issues around women, so I did not even realize that the men also go through [gender challenges]. After I went through the GERI program, I understood how much men suffer. I feel Gender Equity and Reconciliation will play a very important role if it is done within the religious communities; both male and female. I wish the Church would recognize this work, give importance to it, and take it forward. Unless people go through this program, they don’t understand how much value it has.”

~ Sr. Lucy Kurien, Founder Maher interfaith ashram Pune, India

“Our innate potential to become liberated is the same whether male or female. The societies in which Buddhism developed were already patriarchal; the males were the ones who were educated, so it was they who wrote the books and had the voice. Now as women are becoming equally learned it is essential that they support, encourage and respect each other rather than rely only on male authority. Now it is time for the female voice also to be heard.”

~ Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo Dongyu Gatsal Nunnery Tashi Jong, India

“Most or all religions are very male-dominated. I know many priests, in my own experience, who would like to be liberated, but we haven’t had a methodology for that. Gender Equity and Reconciliation work would offer a major breakthrough.”

~ Fr. Prashant Olalekar Jesuit Retreat House Mumbai, India

“As we begin the 21st century we still see the shadow of patriarchy casting darkness on all our institutions and religions, including my own, Hinduism. The myth that places men at the top and closer to God has served neither men nor women, and created a great divide between us. The work of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International and the professional trainings conducted by founders William Keepin and Cynthia Brix seek to bridge that divide, and reconcile us ~ men and women ~ to our equal place in the Divine, regardless of our religious affiliations. I thank them and applaud this work—God knows, it is much needed.”

~ Swami Ambikananda Saraswati Traditional Yoga Association, UK

“I left the retreat with commitments to explore ways we can collaborate in helping men become better men, and to deconstruct the patriarchal system that wounds so many men in their experience with other men, and wounds so many of our wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends.”

~ Terry Symens-Bucher, former President, Illuman (men’s rights of passage organization founded by Fr. Richard Rohr)

“Gender Equity and Reconciliation is the only practical tool that I have experienced that has the capacity to transform relations between women and men.”

~ Rev. Keith Vermeulen, former Director, Parliamentary Office of the South African Council of Churches Cape Town, South Africa

“[Gender Equity and Reconciliation] is the next step in our logical process as a country. The work of racial reconciliation will never be complete without the work of gender reconciliation.”

~ Rev. Mpho Tutu van Furth

“Pioneering, passionate, deeply thoughtful . . . on the cutting edge. This is crucial work.”

~ Andrew Harvey, author of many books including Son of Man, The Direct Path, and The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism


“If applied widely on a long-term basis, this work would equip young students to become change agents in the world… In essence this work has the potential to change realities and to promote a safer life for all genders. It creates spaces whereby people can engage on levels beyond fear, anger, projection and denial, and face head on the realities of gender oppression—in all of its forms and facets. The hope for true transformation lies in such processes.”

~ Conclusions from three-year academic research study at Stellenbosch University on the GERI methodology (to be published in peer reviewed journals in 2020)

“Gender Equity and Reconciliation skillfully uncovers the pain of male dominance, and vividly reveals the joyful harmony that issues from forgiveness and reconciliation.”

~ Robert McDermott, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Religion, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA

“Thank you for a profound experience at your workshop. If only something like your program had existed when I was a young man, so much of the suffering I went through could have been mitigated by understanding and compassion. And I might have avoided the bad behavior that inflicted unhappiness on others.”

~ Professor and research scientist, San Diego, USA

BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Programs

“It was profound being in People of Color space. Seeing brown hands on both sides of me felt good… I felt safer to bring these things up. It’s easier to open my heart to men of color knowing you have been targeted by the isms. “

~ Participant from GERI workshop by and for People of Color

“It was such a positive and transforming experience. I feel forever touched and just a sense of my whole being having the capacity to feel on a much deeper level… There are no words to describe my authentic feelings of the experience, it’s so amazingly powerful. I just know there is a shift inside of me. I am so grateful for the experience.”

~ Participant from GERI workshop by and for People of Color


“My experience was one of intense vulnerability and deep listening. I found the use of story in the safety of the different circles a profound way to see one another’s heart. I am a gay man coming from long term heterosexual marriage with a feminine wound that was not healing. This GERI experience allowed me to move forward knowing who I am, who I hurt, and that I am accepted and loved. I can now say I know better the way I have shown up as a male in a patriarchal culture and how that impacts the women around me.”

~ Brad, Illuman (men’s rites of passage organization)

“I’d like to extend my gratitude to the Gender Reconciliation International team for organizing such a prestigious workshop for people of all sexes to participate in. Thank you once more for ushering me with nothing but genuine love from the onset and equipping and educating me to be; Mindful when communicating, honor my experience and of others, noble silence, cultivating presence, and most essential by creating safe spaces and healing intention for the participants.

Today I woke up; reconstructed, restored, transformed and liberated more than ever and truly more emancipated in terms of my gender & sexuality. I woke up today with my faith and hope reformed that there’s still a chance for me to prosper because a part of me has healed from the wounds I have carried daily. I woke up positively so and I now believe more than ever that the Society I reside in still has a chance to work towards peace and mutual healing for all.”

~ Seo, Transgender woman, South Africa

“As gay man, my first inclination was that the [Gender Equity and Reconciliation] workshop was not for me. After more reflection, I realized it was precisely for me as I had isolated myself from women my whole life … I had in essence cut myself off from 1/2 of the world’s population. And I wasn’t sure what that was all about. The fear I had entering the weekend was transformed into love and acceptance over the course of the workshop. I have never felt more valued and truly seen by women in my life. And I was able to truly see and value women for the first time. And I learned that I have a deep connection and shared experiences with these women. Since the weekend, I found my relationship with women in my life (sisters, coworkers, friends) have moved to a deeper, more meaningful level. I am learning to truly value these relationship.”

~ Jerry, GERI Participant

“It’s been very powerful for me to move into this work and to be able to bring gender to greater consciousness, to become aware of how genders relate with each other.   Coming from an LGBTQ experience as a gay man, it’s been very powerful to be with others – women and men together – to unpack some of the issues that affect us and that we don’t get to speak about often enough, and be able to work through them and voice them and explore possibilities for reconciliation and peace between genders.”

~ Rev. Laurie Gaum, Minister and LGBTQ Activist, South Africa

“What has touched me the most in the GERI workshop is the integrity and honesty shown by both men and women in this profound space. What has been transformed in my life from the GERI workshop as been the acceptance of my maleness – my masculinity – and what it means to be a gender fluid man in South Africa today.”

~Tristan, Chrysalis Academy, South Africa

GERI with Young People

“One boy stood before the girls [and other boys in the workshop] and apologized for all the harm that men and boys have done to women and girls. I thought, if a 15-year-old boy can say sorry on behalf of all men, what does this say to men? GERI works! Even for 15 year olds it works!! Amazing!”

~ Hazel Lobo, Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) Facilitator

“I have experienced a huge transformation of my mind, how I perceive other people and other genders. My life has literally been change for the better forever”

~ Student participant from recent GERI workshop at the University of Western Cape


“I have been working with and listening to women—all the time, for 22 years. And here, in a matter of days, as I was listening to the voice of men, I realized how much I have been missing out on.”

~ Sr. Lucy Kurien, founder, Maher interfaith ashram, Pune, India

“The work of Gender Equity and Reconciliation is very much needed in India; I wish this work could be translated into our local language, and done all over India. It is very powerful to make people aware of what’s going on, especially the women who suffer unnecessarily around gender issues. This work is an eye opener for men to learn what women go through.”

~ Sr. Lucy Kurien, founder, Maher interfaith ashram, Pune, India


“The miracle was when one of the gentlemen stood up, went to the center, and knelt down! You know about our culture; how men don’t give any space. And this gentleman knelt down, and said, “I want to apologize, on behalf of your uncles.” And the young woman just started weeping. And [later] she said, at that moment, when that man knelt down and apologized, she forgave her uncles—a hatred that she had carried for so long. And she was just cleansed. That was powerful. It was awesome! This work really changes peoples’ lives.”

~ Karambu Ringera, PhD, Founder, International Peace Initiatives, Nairobi, Kenya


“What an unforgettable workshop! The work done here during these three days has healed a lot of my family lineage.   The whole experience was to feel embraced—in a sacred temple—of the hearts of all who shared the experience.”

~ Natalia Cediel, Bogota, Colombia

South Africa

I have been looking for a long time to find a way to bring healing and reconciliation between women and men. This work is the answer. We need much more of this work.

~ Nozizwe Madlala Routledge, former Deputy Speaker of Parliament, and Deputy Minister of Health, South Africa

“It was a forum where I was able to speak to my own pain [as a man]. Prison is not that kind of environment. The workshop was an opportunity I used to release all that I carried – even from before prison growing up without a father. It was my space.

I felt safe. The facilitators held the space. This was what I had prayed for. I was able to speak about my family, growing up without a father…and I listened to other people open up. Other men opened up.

I saw the healing taking place. You don’t know until you experience it. I began to see my father in a different light – never having had an understanding of who he was. I developed more compassion for the prison warders. I looked at people differently. Everyone needs help and goes through their own pain.”

~ Les Thomas, GERI Facilitator, South Africa

“I have not encountered this kind of depth and honesty, and the ability to directly access issues without skirting them, or going into denial—as I have in this work. One is left with a profound sense of having been touched with a vision of what God envisaged of how men and women can be together. I have experienced this again and again in this work, and it has made me know that gender reconciliation can happen, quite effectively and permanently.”

~ Dorothea Hendricks, psychologist, Univ. of Western Cape, South Africa


“I found total change in my daily regular activities after this workshop. I feel a lot of relief and healing as a result of this workshop. I found it so fruitful… The last session of honoring touched me so much”          

~Male Participant, Pokhara, Nepal

“After sharing I feel so light and healed inside…This [workshop] is so usable, lively, and precious for a better life”

~Female Participant, Pokhara, Nepal

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