St. Louis GERI Workshop – July 2019

“This workshop opened my eyes, my ears, and my heart to all the stories that women and men have to tell. . .”  reflected one woman after the Gender Equity and Reconciliation introductory training near St. Louis, MO this last weekend.

Deep respect to the 10 women and 10 men who showed up with such courage to participate in this training and to open their hearts together and share the deep stories of their lives – of the joys and heartbreaks of intimate relationships, of the challenges of grappling with sexuality, especially as young people, and of the journeys of freeing ourselves from the constrictions of childhood gender conditioning.

Many participants reflected on the transformative power of witnessing and being deeply witnessed.  It was beautiful to see this process unfold as we opened and shared our truths together and to experience the deep bonding and trust that was built in the group in just three days together.   “My ability to heal from past hurts was a big step for me.  [This workshop] allowed me the space to be authentic, vulnerable, and to be seen, heard, and validated,” reflected one man; “I was moved to my core in areas that I didn’t even know needed loving attention,” reflected another woman.

Gratitude to Phil Vivirito for all of his work in organizing this workshop and his heartful stewarding of the GERI movement in St. Louis.  Thanks to the facilitation team William Keepin, Cynthia Brix, Phil Vivirito, Silvia Araya, and Garrett Evans for their skillful facilitation and tender holding of this group through the workshop.

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