Spanish Speaking Programs 2023

“it is an awakening for an inclusive, equitable, egalitarian and loving society where we can have and build a better world.”

Alejandro Hernandez, male participant

GERI’s Spanish Speaking programs in Latin America and Spain looks back on a year of remarkable growth and impact.

In 2023 the Spanish-speaking initiative expanded its reach, deepened connections with communities, and left a profound impression on the lives of many, as we continue to expand in Spain and Latin America.  This has been a year of several important milestones and initiatives, including online courses, in-person workshops, taster sessions, and very meaningfully, the completion of our first ever full online facilitator training program held in Spanish.

We have celebrated a year of remarkable progress, thanks to our dedicated team of trainers, our participants, and our generous donors. We look forward to the journey ahead in 2024, with plans to expand our reach and continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities. The heartwarming stories, testimonials, and images from our programs this year are a testament to the transformative power of education, empowerment, and community.

We continued to stay connected with our community through monthly Reconnection calls, which provided a platform for community building. This year, we made a transition to GERI Growth Circles, held once a month. These circles allowed for even deeper engagement and facilitated dynamic conversations.

Costa Rica

In March 2023, we also conducted our first in-person workshop in Costa Rica.  This was a long-held dream of GERI Trainer Silvia Araya, ever since she first invited GERI to conduct an initial series of programs in her native Costa Rica in 2018.  Deep gratitude and congratulations to Silvia for carrying and manifesting this vision over these past five years as she has so beautifully led this GERI Spanish Speaking initiative.

This program was a resounding success, with a beautiful group of 15 women and men, who dove deeply together into their personal stories of gender and sexuality. One woman reflected on how the experience had changed her, allowing her to emerge simultaneously with a greater strength, and deepened capacity to honor the gift of sensitivity, both in herself and others. Another man shared how the experience was an awakening for him to the genuine possibility of an inclusive, equitable, egalitarian, and loving society – the possibility of a Gender Healed World.

Video (in Spanish, with English subs available)

Online Facilitator Training

Then, in May, we launched our inaugural online Professional Immersion and Facilitator Training Program for Spanish-speakers, bringing together 13 dedicated trainees from Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, and Mexico.  This remarkable cohort devoted their Saturdays over six months to successfully complete the first level of the online GERI Training. Together we delved deeply into both the ‘inner’ work of self-inquiry, reflection, and contemplative practices – and the ‘outer’ work of engaged study and praxis to hone their skills to lead the GERI programs and courses.

We are thrilled to continue growing our cohort of Spanish-speaking facilitators, and look forward to expanding this initiate with new workshops, courses, and other programs in the new year, as these trainees enter into the next phase of their internship and training as facilitators.  

A deep bow to GERI Trainers Silvia Araya, Hugo Sanchez, and Alejandra Warden for their faithful and heartfelt stewarding of this training, and to Desireé English, Garrett Evans, Jorge Rico, and Odette Rasgado for their invaluable support and collaboration. Thanks also to guest presenters and trainers Tristan Johannes, Kainyu Njeri, Julien Devereux, and Esther and William Diplock for their important contributions to the training.

As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to seeing the GERI work continue to flourish and touch the hearts of many across the Spanish-speaking world!


At the same time, GERI continues to develop in-person in Spain, with a series of presentations in Barcelona, Valencia, and Mallorca this November.

This included a two-hour experiential session at the XIX Fòrum contra les violències de gènere (Forum against gender violence) in Barcelona, followed by a beautifully received public introductory session in Valencia. As one participant shared tearfully in gratitude as the session concluded, she felt the experience had been one the first times and spaces she could share her truth safely.  In Mallorca, GERI was also featured in an interview on the IB3 Radio show “Entre Avui i demà,” followed by a powerful introductory session for 25 participants, full of engagement and enthusiasm in the group.

Special thanks to Yolanda Lucas, Valentín Oller, Jacob García de Rueda, Antonia Porter, and Will Keepin for their organization, interpretation, and facilitation!

Aspirations for 2024:

Looking ahead to 2024, we are eager to continue the movement toward in-person workshops. Another in-person workshop is scheduled for February 2024 in Costa Rica and May 2024 in Spain. We aim to expand our online training sessions and build on the success of our in-person interactions. With the continued support of our community and generous donors, we are poised to create more impactful and immersive learning experiences.

Our commitment to empowering individuals and communities in Latin America and Spain remains unwavering. As we look toward 2024, we aspire to reach more individuals, create space for more inspiring stories, and make an enduring impact while expanding our beloved community.

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