Practicing Gender Equity and Reconciliation in Korea – September 2018

We are so moved by this book group in Korea and the time and effort that Harin Jeong has given to translate our book: Divine Duality: The Power of Reconciliation Between Women and Men into Korean. We love reading their updates and to know that this group is practicing gender equity and reconciliation together. We and our GERI community of practitioners are all supporting this Korean group on this journey. Below is the message Harin recently sent to us.

On the 28th of last month, we had a second meeting “Heal together in Korea”. in Seoul.

I prepared the gender equality and reconciliation pt and shared it. Jaewon, Kyunga, Soonho and I prepared summmaries of chapters 1, 2, 3. Ji-ho Song and Seung-hee Han also joined the group. For about 3 hours we felt warm connection. It is very important that the questions of the minorities are taken seriously. The process of finding questions together and making the changes together are meaningful also. In the process, everyone gets closer to real equality and reconciliation.

I hope to hear stories from this meeting in the future. This meeting will be a safe forum for healing each other.
It is time for each other to become witnesses of each other, the ally.

We thank William, Cynthia and GERI group who continue to give us courage.

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