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Gender equity is woefully overdue-we cannot wait any longer. Yet gender equity will wait, just as it has for thousands of years, until women and men and people of all genders co-create it together. One-sided solutions are not enough, and shame and blame will get us nowhere. The new pathway to healing and creating right relations between the genders can only be forged by courageously confronting gender injustice from all sides, and moving through the ensuing “collective alchemy” to transform gender injustice from the inside out.

Inspired by the principles of Truth and Reconciliation developed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa, the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) process has been implemented over three decades for thousands of people on six continents. Guided by the twin powers of truth and love, and supported by skillful facilitation, the GERI process-as demonstrated in this book-creates safe forums to empower the unraveling of gender and sexual conditioning with alchemical depth and acumen, and initiate a whole new culture of gender relations and beloved community.

With contributions from dozens of GERI participants, twelve distinguished world leaders in related fields, with special inserts from such notable persons as Stanislav Grof, M.D., Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, and Peter Rutter, M.D., this book is an invaluable resource for laypersons and professionals, politicians and psychotherapists, educators and religious leaders, who are eager to discover new proven pathways to transform gender-based conflicts and address the needs of young and old in their homes, therapy practices, organizations, and congregations across the globe.

Gender Equity is the one certain step to heal humanity. …This book and the GERI program illuminate a path to do just that.
Justin Baldoni, author of Man Enough
Inspiring and intersectional approach, … underscores the transformative power of gender justice movements.
Latanya Mapp Frett, President and CEO of Global Fund for Women
Magnificent heartfelt healing work, … gifts us a map of deep positive transformation.
Jack Kornfield, author of A Path With Heart
A groundbreaking guide for all who want fulfilling relationships, and a more caring and equitable world.
Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and The Blade and Nurturing Our Humanity

Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family

A rich group of 20 co-authors representing 10 countries, with many background and fields of expertise, and together nearly a thousand years of lived experience!
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