LGBTQ+ Healing Across the Gender Spectrum

What a heartfelt six weeks we shared together in this LGBTQ+ Healing Across the Gender Spectrum course, a specialized online program of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI), designed for LGBTQ+ persons working to bring healing and reconciliation across the gender spectrum. This group of diverse people have shown up in ways unimaginable going through the ‘ring of fire’ sharing intimate parts of their conditioning and wounding related to their gender identity, expression and sexuality.

As one man reflected on the course, “This GERI offering comes at a time in my world when I am most ripe for transformation. My goal now, with the opportunity offered by these sessions, is to surrender and release these layers of not-me. I want to continue to honor all of these not-mes as I befriend and love their natures. As I know the brilliance of a system that can cloak its true nature so extremely well as to not even be known by its self – I want to honor my own soul’s and body’s survival. I made it to my late 60s, as so many of my tribe did not – and even fewer thrived into their later years with the sense of self that I have been able to know. I honor this.”

Tristan Kyle Johannes, GERI LGBTQ+ Lead writes, “As it was Pride Month in South Africa and other parts of the world, the LGBTQ+ course allowed us to celebrate the theme of Pride in this course and as we reflected on the queer liberation movement across generations we were deeply saddened by the recent Anti-LGBTQ+ bills passed in some parts of the whole, which continues to margenalise and exclude LGBTQ+ persons. As we continue to share our personal stories in these safe spaces to transform gender injustice against LGBTQ+ lives, we hope that one day we can live fully and freely everywhere, without fear, shame and guilt.”


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