Ghost Ranch Workshop – Feb. 2020

The ability to speak my truth and hear the truth of my brothers with a full heart has been the most generous gift I have ever received,” reflected one woman after a recent workshop with Illuman (a men’s rites of passage organization) at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. 

Deep appreciation for the 20 women and men who showed up to this workshop with such authenticity, courage, and heart.  Over our five days together, we shared and bore witness to powerful and poignant stories of gender injustice and inequity – of struggles and wounding around sexuality, of the pain of disconnection from those who we most want to be close to, of sadness and regret for ways of living out and contributing to these injustices in our own lives.  

The truth forums were especially powerful, and the authenticity and courage of bringing forward these stories was palpable. This, combined with the sensitive, earnest, and heartfelt attention and listening by the rest of the group, created an atmosphere of genuine intimacy and mutual opening.  

I have never heard women directly share their wounding in this way. . . When the women shared their stories, I was profoundly moved at every level of my being. . . To see and feel the women holding each other during the women’s truth telling also moved me. . . I felt something sacred was happening – the other men and I being allowed, invited to bear sacred witness to their stories is an experience I will remember; it continues to pulse through me now as I type this sentence on a keyboard days and hundreds of miles later, “ reflected on man after the workshop

The delicacy and authenticity of the sharing in the truth forums left in its wake a kind of tender awe – that somehow in finding the courage and willingness to share these painful, difficult, and challenging stories, what stood all the more clear was the still-shining light of each person, and the awe-inspiring resiliency of the human spirit.  This then flowered beautifully in the ceremonies and the tender and thoughtful care in which these were crafted and offered.  Both of the honoring ceremonies for the men and women were deeply felt and heartfully offered, and very moving for all who experienced them.

The profound safety created in this process allowed me to relax in a way I’ve never before experienced in a workshop space. . .” reflected another women after the workshop.

Gratitude to Illuman for their partnership in this event, and to Stephen Picha and Ghost Ranch for the invitation to host the workshop.  Thanks also to the facilitation team Myra Kinds, Garrett Evans, Stephen Picha, Dennis Sturtz, Cynthia Brix, and Will Keepin for their skillful holding and facilitation of this workshop.

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