GERI Programs 2023

  • January 18 – March 1: GERI online course for Christian Leaders
  • February 9: GERI Presentation with Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan at her Vancouver School of Theology class, Gender in Religious Traditions
  • February 27: GERI Presentation at Shakti Kumbh conference in Rishikesh, India
  • February 27 – April 3: GERI LGBTQ+ Online Course
  • February 28 – April 4: GERI BIPOC inaugural online course
  • March 10-12: Inaugural in-person GERI workshop in San Jose, Costa Rica
  • March 17: GERI Presentation at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women NGO Forum
  • March 25: Co-hosted Courageous Conversation in Spanish with The Girl Child and Her Long Walk to Freedom
  • March 28 & 29: GERI Introductory programs at Waterloo University in Canada with the Mennonite Central Committee and Conrad Grebel University College.
  • March 29: Program at Chrysalis Academy in South Africa for 200+ young women
  • April 6 – 8: GERI presentations (two) at Bioneers Conference in Berkeley, California
  • May 5 – 7: Engendering Love summit conference Keynote presentation on GERI, and panel discussions featuring GERI leaders
  • May 11: Introductory workshop at the Western Cape Synod of the Dutch Reformed (NG) Church
  • May 20: GERI Panel Discussion online: “The Future of Gender and Sexuality” – Young Adults Speak
  • May 26 – July 12: Chrysalis Academy GERI series for 223 young men
  • May 27 – 29: Australia in-person workshop, MeToo to WeTogether
  • May 27 – October 21: Spanish-speaking online Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training
  • June – July: GERI in-person workshop series with Chrysalis Academy in South Africa with 200+ young men
  • June 6 – 11: India Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training Module 1
  • June 21: GERI presentation to graduate student program at Royal Roads University
  • June 25: Transforming Gender Injustice in Buddhism: The Promise of Gender Equity and Reconciliation at the Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in Seoul, South Korea
  • July 5 – 7: GERI in-person workshop with Chrysalis Academy in Cape Town, South Africa
  • July 11: GERI Workshop at Chrysalis Academy for 32 Fathers and Father Figures
  • July 11 – 16: Kenya Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training Module 1
  • July 25 – 27: GERI in-person workshop with Chrysalis Academy in Cape Town, South Africa
  • August 2 – 7: North America Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training Module 1
  • August 14 – 18: GERI presentation at the Parliament of the World’s Religions
  • August 15 – 17: GERI in-person workshop with Chrysalis Academy at Khayelitsha Youth Hub in Cape Town, South Africa
  • August 19: Two GERI 2-hour workshops with the YWCA Kalamazoo
  • August 19 – 20: Weekend intensive program for Spanish-speaking online Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training
  • August 21 – 22: GERI in-person workshop with Chrysalis Academy and the Provincial Department of Social Development and Partners in Cape Town, South Africa
  • August 31 – September 3:  GERI in-person Workshop, Linz, Austria
  • September 7 – November 6: Chrysalis Academy GERI series for 236 young women
  • September 14: Online Introduction with Inter-Religious Council of Kenya
  • October 2 – 7: India Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training Module 2
  • October 19: GERI and The Girl Child: A Long Walk to Freedom Project Part 1
  • October 23 – 25: GERI workshop at Chrysalis Academy for Staff
  • November 1 – 3: LGBTQ+ Healing Across the Gender Spectrum in Cape Town, South Africa
  • November 2:  GERI and The Girl Child: A Long Walk to Freedom Project Part 2
  • November 4: Session at the XIX Fòrum contra les violències de gènere (Forum against gender violence) in Barcelonna, Spain
  • November 5: GERI in-person introductory session in Valencia, Spain
  • November 7: GERI in-person introductory session in Mallorca, Spain
  • November 8: Closing ceremony of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International – GERI programme for 23 BRAVO at Chrysalis Academy
  • November 11 – December 16: GERI Online Six-Week Course – Me Too to We Together
  • November 11: Graduation Ceremony Spanish-speaking online Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training
  • November 21 Spiritual Directors International Presentation by Cynthia Brix 
  • November 28 – December 3: North America Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training Module 2
  • November 30, The Girl Child: A Long Walk to Freedom, presentation and panel on Divine Feminine by Will Keepin and Anne Baring
  • December 4 – 6: Three-day GERI workshop with Chrysalis Academy and YeBo youth in Cape Town, South Africa
  • December 9 – 10: GERI GERI Transgender and Queer workshop, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • December 17 – 22: Kenya Professional Immersion and Facilitator Certification Training Module 2
  • Dozens of shorter 1-2 hour introductory sessions, both online and in-person, for all of our program areas, including specialized LGBTQ+ and BIPOC programs.
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