GERI for Christian Leaders and Communities

“As I went through the course, I realized that doing it for my own healing, and I became more vulnerable towards people, which has been a significant change for me. I found a family that did not condemn me for my weaknesses but rather showed me support and love by sharing their own weaknesses as well.”

~ Male Participant

What a profound seven weeks we shared together in this Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) online pilot program, specifically designed for Christian leaders working to bring healing and reconciliation across the genders. This beautifully diverse group dove so deeply together in their authenticity and openness, touching rare depths of cross-gender sharing and listening – and through this, discovering the profound gifts that we have to offer each other as women and men.

As one woman reflected after the men’s sharing, “You have brought to me the reality of the world of men, something I had never brought into consideration. Bringing the human perspective of a man has really transformed my life, allowing me to see my dad, my brothers, and those I care for in you. Thank you for the opportunity to better understand them and to imagine what their life might be like.”

Deep thanks to GERI Facilitator and Christian Project Coordinator Michele Breene for her organization of this program, and to the rest of the facilitation team for their prayerful and skillful leadership: Phil Rogacki, Naomi Mwangi, Evans M Njoki, Cynthia Brix, and Garrett Evans.

We are so enthused to continue and expand this unique project and application of the GERI Methodology for Christian communities and leaders!

For more information and to be added to the list for future programs, contact Michele Breene at or Garrett at


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