GERI at Chrysalis Academy ~ South Africa – August 2020

We are blessed to have concluded a 3-day Gender Equity and Reconciliation International Workshop with Chrysalis Academy and their team of staff, graduates, outdoor facilitators along with other participants from Jazzart Dance Theatre.

The Chrysalis Academy is committed to bringing all genders together to promote gender harmony and a gender-healed world, and is committed to disrupting gender-based violence and believe that now more than ever we need to create safe spaces for men and women to share safely about their lived experiences.

One participant shared, “I want to be heard…but at the same time I want to heal in order to grow“. Another participant shared that he is committed to co-creating spaces where women feel empowered. It was a 3-day experience where participants felt loved, witnessed, free to speak their truth, supported and above all safe to embark on a journey of healing.

We look forward to facilitating more gender workshops with young people to build greater agency, cultivate respectful dialogue and build collaborative communities.

Deep gratitude to the fantastic team of participants who courageously showed up, stood up, listened deeply, shared freely and expressed compassion throughout the workshop. We love you and are excited to continue this journey with you.

With deep thanks to the French Embassy for funding this healing work.

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