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Transforming Gender Relations – Oakland

This experiential three-day workshop creates a safe space for breakthroughs in individual transformation and community healing—by working skillfully with participants’ lived experiences in relation to gender and sexuality. Together, women and men of all sexual orientations enter into a deeper understanding and mutual appreciation of their own experience and journey, and also awaken greater compassion, […]

Second Saturday Circle ~ Monthly GERI Connections

Second Saturday of every month March 8, April 12, May 10, . . . 9am Pacific Time, 75 minute sessions Join us for GERI Monthly Connections, a space for the GERI community to come together and nurture meaningful connections. These monthly calls are designed for individuals who have previously completed an immersive GERI in-person workshop […]

In-Person Introduction at U.N. CSW NGO Forum ~ Healing the Divide: Transformative Community Approaches to Gender Equity

Church Center for the United Nations (CCUN)New York CityMarch 136:30 – 8:00pm This event offers a practical experience of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International’s (GERI) methodology, which applies truth and reconciliation principles to gender and sexual injustice. Developed over 32 years and endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 2013, GERI’s methodology addresses the root causes […]

GERI B.I.P.O.C. Online Course

Gender Equity & Reconciliation in an intimate Black, Indigenous & People of Color space. This experiential 7-week course creates a safe space for breakthroughs in individual transformation and community healing—by working skilfully with participants’ lived experiences in relation to gender and sexuality. Together, women and men of all sexual orientations enter a deeper understanding and […]

In-Person Introduction ~ Walnut Creek, CA ~ Women and Men: Healing the Divide

Walnut Creek, CaliforniaWith Unity Center of Walnut CreekApril 62:00 – 4:30pm This event offers a practical experience of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International’s (GERI) methodology, which applies truth and reconciliation principles to gender and sexual injustice. Developed over 32 years and endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 2013, GERI’s methodology has been implemented with thousands […]

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