Facilitators & Coordinators
Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) facilitators are offering workshops and training in the United States, South Africa, Kenya, India, Nepal, South Korea, Mexico, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, Austria, Egypt, & the United Kingdom.

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- Silvia Araya-Fischer
- Phil Vivirito
- Myra Kinds
- Jorge Rico
- Lora Williams
- Garrett Evans
- John Guy
- Alejandra Warden
- Julien Devereux
- Michele Breene
- Hugo Sanchez
- Alka Arora
- Stephen Picha
- Ariana Blossom
- Phil Rogacki
- Samantha Sinclair
- Alan Strachan
- Carlotta Tyler
- Janet Coster
- Linda Cunningham
- Shirsten Lundblad
- Máire Callan
- Sarah Flournoy
- Silvia Araya-Fischer, Psy, is a GERI Trainer and Consultant for Latin America. She earned her degree in Clinical Psychology from Universidad Fidélitas in Costa Rica, and practices as a Clinical Trauma Professional specializing in anxiety and panic attacks.
Phil Vivirito is a GERI Trainer and consultant with extensive leadership development experience in the corporate world. He is a lead facilitator for ManKind Project (MKP) primary integration training and has staffed MKP’s weekend trainings since 2005. Phil is a group facilitator for the Witnessing Whiteness program that invites conversation and awareness around race and white privilege. Phil serves on the GERI advisory council.- Minister Myra Kinds is a GERI Trainer and the BIPOC and Inclusion Lead. She is an American Baptist Minister and has many years of experience in youth and family ministry, and consults with faith-based groups around women in ministry, youth, & gender-based violence.
- Jorge Rico is a GERI Trainer, and coleads the implementation of GERI in Latin America. Originally from Bolivia, he has 25+ years experience in Human Resources in the USA & Latin America, and developed & led numerous Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.
- Lora Williams, BA is the Community Engagement Lead and Facilitator with GERI. Lora is writer/author, and a certified teacher in yoga and mindfulness. She is currently a master’s student in mental health counseling and the expressive arts, working on bringing the creative process, psychology, and spirituality to bear on individual and community healing.
- Garrett Evans is a GERI International Program Officer, Associate Curriculum Developer, and Trainer. He holds a BS in Conflict Resolution and has a background in Zen, silent meditation, & conflict resolution practice.
- John Guy is Facilitator and Trainer-in-training for GERI, based in Seattle, USA. He is a licensed Psychotherapist in private practice, and holds an MA in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University. His clinical background includes addictions counseling, individual therapy, and group dynamics and facilitation.
- Alejandra (Alex) Warden is a GERI Facilitator and interspiritual leader from Argentina and California, and the Founder of Essential Oneness. She is a widely acclaimed teacher of Feminine spiritual wisdom, and the author of El Llamado de Mi Corazón (The Call of My Heart).
- Julien Devereux, PhD is Senior GERI Trainer, based in Texas. He is former Chair of the ManKind Project USA, and brings vast experience in clinical counseling and management. Julien has served GERI domestically and internationally since 2002.
- Michele Breene, MA is a GERI Facilitator with over 25 years experience in leadership development, team building, and executive coaching in the UK, the USA, and around the world. Today, Michele’s primary focus is as Mentor, Facilitator, Coach, and Spiritual Director in leadership areas relating to spiritual formation and gender equity.
- Hugo Sanchez is a GERI Facilitator based in New Jersey. He is a co-facilitator for the ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure, a yoga teacher, & Founder of Pacha Yoga. Hugo holds a BA in Communications from Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.
- Alka Arora, Ph.D, an Associate Professor of Women, Gender, Spirituality, and Social Justice at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), developed an educational framework called “Integral Feminist Pedagogy” that weaves together feminist, ecological, embodied, and contemplative paradigms. She has published numerous articles and serves as an educational consultant, leadership coach, and certified facilitator of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International workshops. Alka was featured in the documentary film Women’s Spirituality in Higher Education.
- Stephen Picha, MA is a GERI Facilitator and is the Education Director at Ghost Ranch Retreat Center and the former Executive Director of the Center for Action and Contemplation. He has trained with the Animas Valley Institute and Joanna Macy’s The Work That Reconnects, and has been a part of a local men’s group for 20 years.
- Ariana Blossom is Communication Lead and Facilitator with GERI. In addition to her work as a Diversity Consultant and Executive Coach, Ariana leads a team specializing in strategic planning; diversity, equity and inclusion; and leadership coaching as Chief Executive of Blossom Consulting. She’s married and has a 5-year-old son named Javier.
- Phil Rogacki
- Samantha Sinclair is a GERI Facilitator and coordinator of Satyana Institute’s 2018 Dawn of InterSpirituality conference in Costa Rica. She holds M.A.’s in Philosophy and Religion, as well as Women, Gender, Spirituality, and Social Justice from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and has 15 years experience as a life a business coach with clients around the world.
- Alan Strachan
- Carlotta Tyler
- Janet Coster, M.A., M.A., is a transpersonal counselor, spiritual director and workshop leader. She is certified in Spiritual Direction, Authentic Movement and Gender Reconciliation and has been in private practice for over 20 years. Janet is a poet, songwriter and singer, and a cofounder of Hit and Run Theater in Santa Cruz, CA.
- Linda Cunningham
- Shirsten Lundblad, M. Div., performs and teaches drumming with Inanna, Sisters in Rhythm. Based in Maine, she is a Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and Facilitator of GERI.
- Máire Callan, M. Div. is a GERI Facilitator and serves as administrative support with both GERI and Satyana Institute. She is a certified spiritual director, yoga teacher, and graduate of the Iliff School of Theology. She is an intern facilitator with GERI and a facilitator of the Alternatives to Violence Project, where she has served as Volunteer Coordinator for many years.
- Sarah Flournoy
- Desireé English
- Rev. Laurie Gaum
- Lucille Meyer
- Judy Bekker
- Tristan Johannes
- Janine Turner
- Antonia Porter
- Xolile Pro Zulani
- Les Thomas
- Jabu Mashinini
- Vuyo Koyana
- Emma Oliver
- Judy Connors
- Jeremy Routledge
- Dorothea Hendricks
- Rob McLeod
- Mandy Antzoylatos
- Corlette Nxumalo
- Keith Vermuleun
- Lucille Lükhoff
- Thuli Mbete
- Constance Riba Tau
- Zvikomborero Tsiga
- Diane Salters
- Desiree English is Chair of the Board of GenderWorks, GERI’s partner in South Africa. She is GERI Director of Training, a Practitioner of Integrative Trauma Healing, and Senior Trainer of Trauma Release Exercises (TRE).
- Rev. Laurie Gaum is GERI Trainer, Activist Theologian, focusing on gender and sexual diversity freedom, and a Minister in Dutch Reform Church of South Africa.
- Lucille Meyer, Ed.D is a GERI Trainer and Consultant based in Cape Town, South Africa. She holds an Ed.D from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, and is CEO of Chrysalis Academy, where she has implemented GERI extensively with young people.
Judy Bekker is a Senior Trainer for GERI in South Africa. She has served as professional facilitator for more than 30 years, and is is widely regarded by her peers as one of the most talented professional facilitators and facilitation trainers in South Africa. Judy has specializesd in personal and leadership development, communication skills, relationship building, & solo wilderness experiences.- Tristan Johannes is a GERI Trainer and the LGBTQ+ Project Lead, and serves on the Board of GenderWorks, GERI’s affiliate in South Africa. He trained youth for over ten years, and served as an administrator and trainer at Chrysalis Academy, a flagship project offering innovative approaches in youth development. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Adult and Community Education Training from the University of Cape Town, and is an ordained minister in the Pentecostal Church of Africa, and is a certified teacher in Integral Yoga and Mindfulness. Tristan was selected for the ‘Leading for Humanity’ program of the Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation in 2023. He is also a contributing author to Gender Equity & Reconciliation: Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family.
- Janine Turner is Head of Training and Development at Chrysalis Academy. She has been instrumental in developing the GERI work at Chrysalis for youth and young adults.
Antonia Porter is a Facilitator and Consultant for GERI in Cape Town, South Africa. A Conflict Resolution Practitioner, she spent four years as Project Officer at the Center for Conflict Resolution, Africa’s most internationally recognized think-tank, based in Cape Town. Antonia has published book chapters on gender, masculinity, peacebuilding, and articles in International Peacekeeping in various South African newspapers.- Xolile Pro Zulani is a GERI Facilitator and Consultant for GenderWorks. Xolile is also an experienced Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) facilitator and has run workshops in prisons as well as for out of school youth-at-risk. He is passionate about creating a gender-healed society, and a world free from violence.
- Les Thomas is a GERI Facilitator and Consultant for GenderWorks. He is an experienced trainer and facilitator of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) and runs workshops on AVP in prisons and schools around the Western Cape. He is also involved in men’s work, through the Imbadu Men’s Project, a programme of the Centre for Christian Spirituality.
- Jabu Mashinini, MA is Trainer for GERI and GenderWorks, Consultant in diversity training, counseling, peace studies, the Alternatives to Violence Project, and Phaphama Initiatives based in Soweto, South Africa. Jabu is a Facilitator for the International Nelson Mandela Dialogues in several countries.
- Vuyo Koyana is a GERI Facilitator with experience in personal development, diversity management, dispute resolution, and mediation as a Conflict Resolution Practitioner. She also serves on the leadership of The Pan African Market Project, a Cape Town-based market showcasing African culture, craftmanship and artistic talent. Vuyo is strongly inspired by the belief in people’s ability to grow, to harness the best in themselves and to change.
- Emma Oliver MSc, is a Facilitator and Consultant for GERI in Cape Town, South Africa. She is a qualified Social Worker and jin shin jyutsu and body work Therapist. Emma is a trainer for Capacitar and Facilitator for AIDS Response working with home-based carers. She has a love for the beauty of life and a passionate belief in the deep potential of everyone and is deeply devoted to the work of gender healing in South Africa.
- Judy Connors MA (Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies) is a Trainer, Facilitator, and Consultant for GERI and Director of Phaphama Initiatives in Soweto, South Africa. She has over 20 years experience in nonprofit management, and is a leader in Alternative to Violence (AVP) as a Senior Facilitator and Trainer in South Africa, Africa and Europe. A student of Kundalini Yoga, she teaches yoga and meditation, and co-facilitates spiritual retreats in the Catholic Church.
- Jeremy Madlala-Routledge is a GERI Facilitator and co-founder of Embracy Dignity in South Africa, which focuses on challenging power inequalities based on gender, class and race that lead to the oppression of vulnerable people through prostitution, sexual exploitation, and sexual abuse. Jeremy is the former Director of the Quaker Peace Centre in Cape Town.
- Dorothea Hendricks, Cape Town, South Africa
- Rob McLeod is a GERI Facilitator, an Organizational Consultant, a Trainer, Coach, Artist, Writer, Editor, and Art Historian. He designs and delivers courses for corporations on diversity, mastering conflict, leadership and change management. Rob is married, with one daughter, and is passionately committed to contributing to growing South Africa.
- Mandy Antzoylatos is a GERI Facilitator and professional Coach who has worked in the field of reconciliation for many years. During her time in local government she was in community development and diversity management, and was involved in gender in both those roles. She now conducts personal development courses, organizational interventions, and group and individual coaching. She has a vision of living in a connected society and sees her life purpose as playing her part in building towards that.
- Corlette Lesotho-Nxumalo GERI Facilitator, Consultant for GenderWorks, and Soweto-based Facilitator for Phaphama Initiatives. He has served as a community developer and peace activist and is a facilitator of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), where he facilitates workshops in prisons and elsewhere, and coordinates an e-learning schools’ program for the nonviolent resolution of conflict.
- Keith Vermuleun, Cape Town, South Africa
- Lucille Lukhoff, Cape Town, South Africa
- Thuli (Nokuthula) Mbethe is a GERI Facilitator based in Cape Town, South Africa. Nokuthula is involved with the Quaker Peace Network across the African continent, and is the facilitator of Alternatives to Violence Project workshops.
- Constance Riba Tau, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Zvikomborero Tsiga is a GERI Facilitator based in Cape Town, South Africa. Zvikomborero has a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies and is currently pursuing a Masters in Critical Diversity Studies. Zvikomborero has for the last 10 years been supporting various charities with their fundraising, facilitating their growth and expansion. Zvikomborero has also served on the board of GenderWorks in South Africa.
- Diane Salters
- Silvia Araya-Fischer
- Jorge Rico
- Alejandra Warden
- Hugo Sanchez
- Kristin Lietz
- Natalia Cediel
- Silvia Araya-Villalobos, PsyD, es facilitadora y consultora de GERI para América Latina. Obtuvo su título en Psicología Clínica de la Universidad Fidélitas en Costa Rica y ejerce como terapeuta holística especializada en ansiedad y ataques de pánico. Silvia es profesora de yoga informada sobre el trauma y autora de Trust and Live without Panic.
- Jorge Rico es facilitador de GERI y profesional de recursos humanos con más de 25 años de experiencia. Tiene una amplia experiencia en programas de liderazgo y desarrollo de empleados y ha desarrollado y liderado iniciativas de diversidad e inclusión, al tiempo que ha defendido la equidad de género a lo largo de su carrera profesional.
- Alejandra (Alex) Warden es facilitadora de GERI y líder interespiritual de Argentina y California, y fundadora de Essential Oneness. Es una maestra de sabiduría espiritual femenina ampliamente aclamada y autora de El Llamado de Mi Corazón.
- Hugo Sanchez es un facilitador de GERI con base en Nueva Jersey. Es cofacilitador del Formación del Nuevo Guerrero del ManKind Project, así como profesor de yoga y fundador y director de Pacha Yoga. Hugo tiene un B.A. en Comunicaciones de la Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.
- Kristin Lietz
- Natalia Cediel, PhD es Facilitadora y Consultora GERI en Bogotá, Colombia, y organizó el primer taller GERI allí en 2012. Es profesora e investigadora universitaria en salud pública y desarrollo sostenible. Es profesora de yoga y mindfulness, y facilita procesos de reflexión sobre la igualdad de género en el sector rural de Colombia.
- Odette Rasgado
- Hetal Jobenputra
- Shivaprasad Kumarswamy
- Mangesh Pol
- Ansar A
- Vijayalakshmi
- Hetal Jobenputra is a GERI Facilitator based in Mumbai, India. Hetal has a background in gender training, sexuality education, and program management, and has has uniquely contributed to the social sector for a over a decade working with marginalized women and children.
- Shivapradad Kumarswamy GERI Facilitator, Life Coach, OD Consultant & Educator for Dream a Dream, Bangalore. He has trained many students in rural Karnataka, India.
- Mangesh Pol is a GERI Facilitator and the International Coordinator of the Maher Interfaith Association, and Youth Ambassador and Peace Counselor for the Maher Ashram in Pune, India. Maher has established 49 homes across India for battered and destitute people, founded by Sister Lucy Kurien. He has taught in India, Nepal, Uganda, and the United States.
- Ansar A. is a Facilitator and Program Coordinator for GERI in India, also focusing on working with young people in that region. He is also a Project Manager for Dream a Dream India.
- Vijayalakshmi
- Esther Diplock
- William Diplock
Intern Facilitators
- June Lambourne
- Jeremy White
- Kara Salter
- Esther Diplock, M Couns is a GERI Facilitator/Trainer and Program Coordinator for GERI, in Brisbane, Australia. Esther is an individual and couples’ therapist in private practice, and an educator and supervisor, with a specialization in Body Psychotherapy and trauma-informed practice. Esther holds a B Occ Thy in Occupational Therapy from University of Queensland and an M Couns from Christian Heritage College.
- William Diplock, M Soc Sc (Couns) is a GERI Facilitator/Trainer and Program Coordinator for GERI, in Brisbane, Australia. William is a Counselor in private practice, with a background in individual, couples and family therapy and clinical supervision. He is also a teaching Elder in Men’s Rites of Passage. William received his M Soc Sc in Counselling from Queensland University of Technology.
- June Lambourne
- Jeremy White
- Kara Salter
- Karambu Ringera
Intern Facilitators
- Evans Njoki
- Naomi Mwangi
- Kainyu Njeri
- Karambu Ringera, PhD, is a senior GERI Trainer and leads the implementation of GERI in East Africa. Recipient of numerous awards for her work in peacebuilding, Karambu founded International Peace Initiatives and Tiriji Foundation in Meru, Kenya.
- Evans Njoki
- Naomi Mwangi
Training Coordinators by Country & Region
Kenya and East Africa
Karambu Ringera
(training coordinator)
ringerambu@yahoo.com or naomimwangi54@gmail.com
Esther & William Diplock
(training coordinators)
esther.diplock@gmail.com or william.diplock@gmail.com)