
GERI Facilitator Trainings – Mid Year Report

The first half of 2024 has seen Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) advancing our mission through three simultaneous in-person Professional Immersion and Facilitator Training programs – conducted in India, Kenya/East Africa, and North America


GERI 2023 – Highlights from an Inspiring Year

This year of 2023 has been truly remarkable for Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI). The year was marked by several milestones:

• Four new simultaneous GERI Professional Immersion and Facilitator Training programs were launched around the world.

• Continued growth and implementation of existing GERI programs, and the launch of the GERI work in new countries and specialized formats.

• Launch of a new initiative and substantially expanded partnership with Chrysalis Academy in Cape Town, South Africa.


Kenya and East Africa 2023

This has been a powerful year for GERI in Kenya, East Africa, and beyond as we launched a new yearlong facilitator training program in July with over 30 new trainees!

Module 1, held in Nairobi, took trainees through a full immersive experience of the GERI process, sharing six days of deep truth telling and compassionate witnessing on the essential and at times challenging issues of gender and sexuality. Trainees courageously unpacked their personal histories, deepening their individual learning and growth through this process.


GERI Programs 2023

January 18 – March 1: GERI online course for Christian Leaders
February 27: GERI Presentation at Shakti Kumbh conference in Rishikesh, India
February 27 – April 3: GERI LGBTQ+ Online Course
February 28 – April 4: GERI BIPOC inaugural full online course
March 10-12: Inaugural in-person GERI workshop in San Jose, Costa Rica
March 17: GERI Presentation at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women NGO Forum
March 25: Co-hosted Courageous Conversation in Spanish with The Girl Child and Her Long Walk to Freedom
March 28 & 29: GERI Introductory programs and mini-workshops at Waterloo University in Canada with the Mennonite Central Committee and Conrad Grebel University College.


GERI Christian 2023

“You all created and held a space where people shared and heard remarkable things. And I came away feeling seen and heard; respected, connected and changed. You also showed care for us as we heard what it can be like to know of evil – done to us and others – and stay faithful to God. This has been a life-long struggle for me (and it will always be so), but you are all beacons of hope in the ways you’ve worked through your personal stories and stayed faithful.”

(Male participant)

2023 Financial Summary

Gender Equity and Reconciliation International is funded through charitable gifts from individual donors, foundation and grant awards, and earned revenue from training and program tuition.


Australia 2023

“It was life changing to meet with others this way on a journey, riding the waves of challenges around our gender. I was able to be wildly authentic and allow healing, joy and love to be received by myself, and given to others.”

~ Female Participant



“The three day workshop facilitated by the GERI facilitators was nothing short of amazing. The whole process and everyone who was present was just awesome. What really stood out for me was how I was able to dive deep into my vulnerable state and not be judged about it and I also learnt how to connect with my inner being through breathwork and meditation.  After the three days I can proudly say I feel worthy of existing; I feel noticed and celebrated for being myself, and I have made a new family from different gender expressions and sexual orientations. I would do it all over again if I have to. I am grateful to the facilitators and every amazing soul that I shared space with. It brought me joy as a transwoman to be in a space where I was honored, dignified and respected as a human who is holy and sacred.”


GERI BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) 2023

It is amazing and fulfilling to see where we are today, at the end of 2023, with our GERI BIPOC community. After sowing the seeds of GERI BIPOC in 2022, holding continued BIPOC tasters, information sessions, and introductory programs, the time came in 2023 to reap the fruits of all the preparation work. Early this year, we launched GERI BIPOC as a full course experience. With 13 participants, 7 women and 6 men, we were BIPOC, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, spanning the globe across Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.  


South Africa 2023

“The GERI workshop was so inspiring. Just to listen to other people’s stories really gave me the realization that all genders suffer in silence. These three days gave me aspiration and made me be more mindful of how you are with your family…The experience I am taking home is being more mindful, listening attentively and also valuing others no matter the circumstances. To use your voice. It’s okay to be vulnerable. Nurture yourself, love yourself.”

– Shireen Kriel


North America 2023

“I had a major visceral shift after silently witnessing the men and after they reflected after witnessing us.  This was potent for me as I began to see the possibilities.  I felt effervescent joy over the hope of transformation…”

~ Female Participant, North America


India 2023

“For the first, any time in my life, I was asked these questions about my experience as a man. Thank you for creating the space for me and other men to share our feelings. As a man, we don’t have that much of safe space to share everything. But here, that space was very healing, and I felt very safe, and I shared my story. And I cried, after so long, I shared my story, and trusted everyone in the circle.”

Male Participant


Spanish Speaking Programs 2023

GERI’s Spanish Speaking programs in Latin America and Spain looks back on a year of remarkable growth and impact! 

In 2023 the Spanish-speaking initiative expanded its reach, deepened connections with communities, and left a profound impression on the lives of many, as we continue to expand in Spain and Latin America.  This has been a year of several important milestones and initiatives, including online courses, in-person workshops, taster sessions, and very meaningfully, the completion of our first ever full online facilitator training program held in Spanish!


Four Facilitator Training Programs Launched in 2023!

“Facilitators of the GERI work cannot stand firmly outside the process they invite participants into but must learn to immerse themselves into the alchemy of the gender healing process, while also remaining centered and present as facilitators to the full group and their needs”.

GERI EVENTS - Gender Spectrum Course 2023

LGBTQ+ Healing Across the Gender Spectrum

What a heartfelt six weeks we shared together in this LGBTQ+ Healing Across the Gender Spectrum course, a specialized online program of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI), designed for LGBTQ+ persons working to bring healing and reconciliation across the gender spectrum. . .

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