
I AM A Feminine Leader

Four Part Series on Gender Equity and Reconciliation International

Join us of a 4 week exploration of Gender Equity & Reconciliation International (GERI) on the I AM A Feminine Leader Podcast! Episodes will feature GERI Leaders Esther and William Diplock, Tristan Johannes, Silvia Araya, and Desireé English!

Esther and William Diplock: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/esther-and-william-diplock-geri-australia-discovering/id1651039222?i=1000612318271

A Millennial’s Guide to Saving the World

Pursuing Gender Reconciliation Through Love and Compassion with William Keepin and Cynthia Brix

What a pleasure to speak with Anya Kaats and to share about Gender Equity and Reconciliation on her wonderful podcast, “A Millennial’s Guide to Saving the World” (interview starts at 39:05)


51% #1755: Women’s History Month

We were delighted to share about Gender Equity and Reconciliation on the Fifty-One Percent show with WAMC public radio as we celebrated International Women’s Day! 

We invite you to have a listen as GERI Co-Founders Cynthia Brix and William Keepin join host Jesse King.

Interview begins at 15:37

Introducing me Podcast

Cynthia Brix ~ Work in Gender Equity

Cynthia Brix joined Sarah Porell on the “Introducing Me” podcast to share about her personal journey into her role as Co-Founder of the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International Project.



Patriarchy: Thousands of Years Old But Only a Few Days Deep | Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin

What will it take to begin to heal the deep wounds between women and men? What is the role of men in this transformation? Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin from Gender Equity and Reconciliation International say that only by bringing these wounds into the light can we heal them. Patriarchy destroys men’s souls, too, so a revolution in gender relations can liberate women and men.

Transformational Radio: Voices of Women

Interview with Cynthia Brix and Zanele Khumalo hosted by Kris Steinnes

Many of us contribute–often unconsciously–to exacerbating the very wounds we yearn to heal. GERI provides a unique forum for an open, nonjudgmental exploration of gender imbalance that leads to discovering new avenues for mutual healing. Begin to dismantle the patterns and behaviors of our patriarchal heritage and to build a society of harmony and balance. This process follows an alchemical wisdom. We consciously enter the collective gender wounds and work through them to reach a place of healing, reconciliation, and new awakening. Our methodology weaves together contemplative practices, truth-telling in community, and honoring and celebration, including movement and song. The result is an uplifting experience of healing and forgiveness that rekindles the resplendent communion of masculine and feminine.

Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin: Moving Through the Fire

Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin received Honorary Doctorates from CIIS at Commencement in May, 2016.
The story of Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin cannot be told without honoring the stories of many women, men, and LGBTI people around the world. Through the Gender Reconciliation project, the two have given workshops in Australia, Colombia, India, Kenya, South Africa, Europe, and the United States. They facilitate a transformative process of bringing gender injustices into the light that allows for a deep healing of the heart. The need for gender reconciliation is urgent: Domestic violence continues to be a leading cause of death for women worldwide.

Anchor Magazine Article Fall/Winter 2016

By Will Keepin, Ph.D. and Cynthia Brix, Ph.D.
“Last year, two boys raped my fourteen-year-old daughter,” Verena confided ruefully in a soft voice. “One of the boys was HIV positive,” she continued, her voice shaking. Verena took a long, slow breath, clutching a crystal heart in her hand. “Now, my daughter is HIV positive,” she said with a sense of defeat as large tears welled up in her eyes.”
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Common Ground | The Women Issue | October 2016
Revolution of the Heart | Gender Healing As A Path to The Beloved

by Will Keepin and Cynthia Brix

 ppg. 14 – 17

“The future of humanity will be decided by relations not between nations, but between women and men.” ~D.H. Lawrence

(Click on cover to continue reading.)

Why I’m Taking the Gender Equity and Reconciliation Training

By Kenny Ausubel, co-founder of Bioneers a non-profit that is a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.
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The Marriage of the Sun and Moon: The Truth and Reconciliation of Gender

Bioneers Radio: Revolution of the Heart of Nature

Today gender reconciliation is a burgeoning new movement for transformational healing. Gender reconciliation visionaries Pat McCabe, Cynthia Brix, Will Keepin and Pele Rouge share powerful stories of transformation from the personal to the societal, including the nation of South Africa.

Rewire Me: Gender Injustice and Working Toward Change

by Will Keepin and Cynthia Brix


 “Injustice and corruption will never be transformed by keeping them hidden, but only by bringing them out into the light and confronting them with the power of love.”—Martin Luther King Jr.

One-third of women across the globe experience some kind of physical or sexual abuse in their lifetimes, and another one-third to one-half experience at least some form of psychological violation. Martin Luther King’s wisdom inspired Rev. Cynthia Brix and Satyana Institute’s co-founder and co-director Will Keepin’s entire methodology for Gender Reconciliation International (GRI), a program that facilitates healing and reconciliation between men and women by spreading awareness and exploring new possibilities and alternatives regarding gender injustice. To date, they have organized over 75 transformational gatherings for men and women in seven countries. The couple is also very involved in interspiritual practice, hosting meditation workshops and interfaith mysticism retreats to increase understanding and promote positive change.

Read more here

Monitoring an Evaluation of Gender Reconciliation

This report is an independent review and evaluation of the Gender Reconciliation International project in South Africa. The report begins with a summary of results \achieved in numerous workshops conducted in diverse settings, and then reports on systematic follow up studies conducted 3 to 11 months after these workshops as a means to assess the long-term impacts of Gender Reconciliation work. The conclusions are that Gender Reconciliation is a unique tool because it addresses the causes (rather than just symptoms) of HIV/AIDS, and it has the potential to prevent communities from self-destructing because of gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS.
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Download PDF here: Phaphama Initiatives Gender Reconciliation Report 2010

KOSMOS Journal, “Connecting Beyond Border”

This article provides a brief overview of the Gender Reconciliation International project, published in Kosmos journal in 2008. The article includes the principles and methodology of Gender Reconciliation, and a summary of key results achieved in the on-going projects in South Africa and India.
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Download PDF here: Kosmos: Divine Duality | Reconciliation between Women and Men

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