Our Supporters
Gender Equity and Reconciliation International is a project of the Satyana Institute. We are grateful to following organizations for their current or past generous financial support:
- Charitable Gift Fund
- Cunningham Family Foundation
- Fetzer Institute
- Giant Steps Foundation
- Global Environment Projects Institute
- Imago Dei Fund
- International Community Foundation
- The Holomovement
- Hidden Leaf Foundation
- Kalliopeia Foundation
- Nathan Cummings Foundation
- Novo Foundation
- Richard Paine and Lynnaea Lumbard
- Rockwood Fund
- Roy A. Hunt Foundation
- RSF Social Finance
- S.C. Rain Foundation
- San Francisco Foundation
- Seed Fund
- Selby-Fong Spirit in Community Fund
- Shaler Adams Foundation
- The Philanthropic Collaborative
- Threshold Foundation
- Tides Foundation (Caritas Fund, Fred Moon Fund, and Star Fund)
- Vista Hermosa Foundation
- Generous individuals and anonymous donors
- 26 new trainees in 2016 yearlong GRI training.
- GRI Workshop, Cape Town