We invite you
to come together to speak the depths of your truth, experience the power of collective healing, and transmute dysfunctional gender conditioning into beloved communities.
Our mission is to transform gender injustice and establish beloved community
30,800 participants
18 countries
280 trained facilitators
Your story matters
Each person’s voice has a unique contribution to the healing of gender relations. Come as you are, and join this inspiring network of souls around the world, working together to re-write the story of gender relations in the human family.
Discover healing in one or
more of these areas of your life:

Your family of origin
Your intimate relationships
Your work
As a parent
Your body, mind, and soul

This work is the most profound and important work that we can be doing to heal ourselves, and to prevent the annihilation of the species and the planet.
Shirsten Lundblad,Musician and Senior GERI Facilitator, Portland, ME
A huge internal shift has occurred since the workshop…Uncertainty, pressure and fear had turned into centeredness, empathy, grace and peace. What a wonderful blessing! Thank you!
Anja PienaarSouth Africa
"The workshop was an opportunity to release all that I carried – even from before prison growing up without a father. I was able to speak about my family and listen to other men open up.
I began to see my father in a different light – never having had an understanding of who he was. I developed more compassion for the prison warders.”
Les ThomasGERI Facilitator, South Africa
“As a gay man, my first inclination was the workshop was not for me. The fear I had entering the workshop was transformed into love and acceptance. I have never felt more valued and truly seen by women in my life. And I was able to truly see and value women for the first time. Since the workshop, I found my relationship with women in my life have moved to a deeper, more meaningful level.”
JerryGERI Participant
Male participantUSA
"One is left with a profound sense of having been touched with a vision of what God envisaged of how men and women can be together. I have experienced this again and again in this work, and it has made me know that gender reconciliation can happen, quite effectively and permanently.”
Dorothea Hendrickspsychologist, Univ. of Western Cape, South Africa
"Blessing, loving, honoring, healing, this training is the whole package…and the beginning of life like you’ve never lived life before.”
Dennis SturtzManKind Project USA
GERI is a unique space, unlike any other I have participated in. A must for anyone committed to the work of gender equality.”
Saphira RameshfarU.N. gender equality activist
This work is the most profound and important work that we can be doing to heal ourselves, and to prevent the annihilation of the species and the planet.
Shirsten Lundblad,Musician and Senior GERI Facilitator, Portland, ME
A huge internal shift has occurred since the workshop…Uncertainty, pressure and fear had turned into centeredness, empathy, grace and peace. What a wonderful blessing! Thank you!
Anja PienaarSouth Africa